Clothes for the time of year.
Remember foul weather gear and boots. Keep in mind that a cool day can feel like a cold day when you are on the water. It is much easier to store what you do not need than it is to put on something you left at home.
The equipment you want to use.
Equipment can be provided but most people feel they fish more efficiently with their own rods and reels so feel free to bring yours. And the same applies to your favorite baits. Should a particular bait be "hot" at the time of your trip, it will be available.
A license.
Here is not the best place to discuss the license in detail since there are so many factors (where you live, where you will fish, how long you will fish, etc.) that impact the cost. We will help you with the license when you call to book a trip.
You need to bring a sense of humor and a desire for a fun day on the water! |